Summer or Winter time is here and at Programming Historian we continue to work hard to offer our readers throughout the world lessons on digital methods in different languages. No hemos parado de recibir lecciones originales en español. Nous avons édité et publié une nouvelle traduction. E continuamos trabalhando muito para trazer mais lições em português.
As usual, none of these achievements would have been possible without the support of our communities around the globe, and the wide host of volunteer editors and collaborators of the journals. To all of you, Thank you, gracias, merci e obrigados.
Our supporters
We are so grateful to our new institutional supporters. The Royal Danish Library / Copenhagen University Library, the Aarhus University Library and Roskilde University Library, all of Denmark, joined hands to support Programming Historian starting in mid 2021. A la par, la Universidad de los Andes en Colombia, a través de su Facultad de Artes y Humanidades se ha convertido en la primera institución latinoamericana asociada a Programming Historian.
And this year, we are receiving support in other forms as well. La Escola de Ciências Sociais FGV CPDOC do Brasil, está financiando nosoo projeto através de “Literacia digital: modelando competências digitais para humanistas e cientistas sociais” durante 2021-2022. We would also like to thank the Faculty of Arts & Humanities at UCL for their generosity as we have enjoyed the assistance of two graduate students who evaluated our accessibility and sustainability plans.
New Member
We are very happy to welcome our first employee of Programming Historian after only two years since becoming a legal entity. Anisa Hawes joined as the Digital Humanities Publishing Assistant to support several tasks such as lesson maintenance and bug fixing, and to help train new members. You can learn more about her in her own blog post. Welcome Anisa!
To learn about the work we did in the first trimester of 2021, we invite you to read our First Newsletter in 2021.
About the author
Jennifer Isasi is an Assistant Research Professor of Digital Scholarship and Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative at Penn State, and a PhD on Hispanic Studies.